How do I improve my child's problem-solving skills?

Problem-solving is integral to equipping your child to face the challenges of the 21st century. You can start small by starting at home.


Tomorrow’s problems are not going to get any easier. In fact, issues like climate change may just get degrees more complicated as the decades go by. Keeping this in mind, it has perhaps never been more important to raise children who are adept at identifying and solving problems.

One way to do so is to involve them more often in the day-to-day tasks of running the household. Asking for their opinion and perspective on solving tiny challenges will put them in the driving seat. This will also encourage them to think through ideas and change their approach from problem to problem. What is easy for you may pose a dilemma for them. The next time a task as seemingly simple as arranging the cupboard or packing the picnic basket comes along, consider asking your child how they would go about doing it. Of course, the key is also to follow up on their suggestions and prove how practical an approach it may end up becoming.

This style keeps at the centre the need to empower your child to solve problems. Overcoming challenges can become a feat they relish leaping into instead of being overwhelmed. Having said that, there is only that much you can do as a parent in today’s world.This is where Neobael’s curated module “Sounds like an Animal Orchestra” comes in handy. Learning how to classify animals and code their own tune will challenge your child to make the best out of a wide array of sounds with effective tools. A simple targeted approach to a complex problem.

Aradhana Iyer Vohra
Aradhana Iyer Vohra
Published: Nov 9, 2021

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Developed by Elaine Chew

In this trial module, learners immerse themselves in the sounds of the animal kingdom. Starting by discovering some of the rules to animal classification, learners soon find themselves with enough expertise to code their very own animal orchestra. This is the perfect module to explore global skills based learning.

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Recommended Ages 7 - 9